About Acupuncture

About Acupuncture

Acupuncture is one of the five branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM. It originated in China over 2000 years ago and is based on millennia of experience and research. TCM is rooted in the theory of qi being the vital force or energy in our bodies. This force needs to be constantly flowing freely to keep the systems in our bodies working optimally. If there’s too little, too much or it gets stuck it can cause issues with our wellbeing.

Qi moves in pathways throughout the body and the finest of needles is used to stimulate the qi within these pathways. The body is an intricate and unique microcosm and its capacity to self-heal is awe-inspiring. Acupuncture stimulates and promotes self-healing in a wide range of both chronic and acute conditions.

From a Western medicine perspective, acupuncture needles stimulate blood circulation in the tissue promoting the bodies healing response to injury and inflammation. It has also been proven to release endorphins and impact the neurological, endocrine and nervous systems.

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